Saturday, June 24, 2006

0Chocollate & butter fruit
massage & full enjoy
-ment by femina contest
ram & stage show. K****
O*****: 983*******.

O"Call Know Haven" Do
you want fresh profile
to spicy and massage with
sizzalear package provider
with you E.M Bypass-
L****- 983*******

0Art of sensous French
touch juicy cream mas-
sage by awesome spciy pro-
file R*** 983*******/

0Antique hot & spicy
double massage give full
unisex enjoyment by
Western fashionable smart
orsim very renowned fash-
ion designer A.C. room &
parking. E********:

0- Bath tube unisex hot
soft massage give you
full enjoyment by ram
show model: 24 hrs service.
A******* 983*******.

0Execlusive international
massage with the best
hot & happining profiles 24
hrs hotel service. Call
K**** at 983*******

-(Personal ads in the Sunday Telegraph Classifieds)

(Nothing here is a typo)


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Ooo oooo oooo! WHY oh WHY did you edit out the phone numbers? Could have been fun muchly!


thalassa_mikra said...

How bankrupt is Telegraph that they cannot even pay a few subs to clear up the shit? Massage parlour happy endings deserve more respect than this.